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"Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words." - Daniel 10:12 In our walk with God there is something such as a heart for God. What does it mean to have a heart for God? It means to have a heart that is open and willing to accept, understand and work towards achieving God's plan. As a believer you need to set your heart right with God. God works with people who have their hearts set on Him and His Word. Until you capture and set your heart on His purpose for your life you will not catch the attention of God. What does your heart say when it comes to God's work? What have you purposed in your heart to do. This says a lot as to how far or how much the Lord can make use of us. God will not take more than you allow Him to. It all depends on you. There is little time and it is urgent that every believer make this decision now. How far do you want God to use you? Do you want to win a small town for God or TAKE THE WORLD! The difference between these two achievements is your heart-set. Make a decision now and allow God to use you for a greater work! Shalom.

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